Francien Bossema bio photo

Francien Bossema

PhD in X-ray tomography for cultural heritage research

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Curriculum Vitae


2023-2024 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Postdoctoral Migelien Gerritzen Fellow

2023-2024 eScience Center
Fellow 2023-2024, project title: ‘Research software in the museum – fusion and visualisation of multiple 3D imaging modalities to investigate the interior and exterior cultural heritage objects’

2018-2023 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
PhD student on the Impact4Art project, in collaboration with Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Work experience

2022 British Museum, London
PhD research placement

2017-2018 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam and Leiden University
Master thesis internship

2017 De Volkskrant, Amsterdam
Science Journalism internship

2017 Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Lisbon
Practical Science Communication and Public Events internship

2017 Universiteit Leiden, department of Science communication and Society
Research internship

2014-2016 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Teaching assistant mathematics


2022 Best Presentation Award
Student award for best presentation (PhD level) at the Ameridendro 2022 conference in Montreal, Canada, July 2022.

2021 NWO Team Science Award
“The Team Science Award rewards the most inspiring and successful team of researchers from various disciplinary fields, who jointly take on a scientific challenge in which their individual strengths and expertise demonstrably reinforce each other.” (NWO, Team Science Award)
See the CWI news item and NWO website.


2023 Talking Maths in Public conference
Travel grant.

2022 London Mathematical Society
Research workshop grant, with Prof. dr. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb.

2022 Catharine van Tussenbroekfonds
Travel grant.

2022 EWM travel grant
Travel grant.

2021 NICAS Small Grant
NICAS Small Grant for research project IntACT, with Prof. dr. Joost Batenburg and Prof. dr. Erma Hermens. This project was in collaboration with Paul van Laar, Tristan van Leeuwen and Suzan Meijer. See also the presentation by junior researcher Paul van Laar at the NICAS project day 8 of June 2022.

2021 Jo Kolk studiefonds
Travel grant.

2021 SNMAP Small research grant
Small research grant, with dr. Rachel Schats and dr. Tristan van Leeuwen.

2021 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds grant
Travel grant.

2021 EWM-NL career support grant
Career suppport grant to attend the winter course ‘Machine Learning using Python: Theory and Applications’.

2020 SIAM, Imaging Science 2020, Toronto
Student travel award (afterwards converted to virtual conference due to Covid-19).


2015-2018 Universiteit Leiden
MSc. Mathematics Additional specialisation: Science Communication and Society

2011-2015 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
BSc. Mathematics & BSc. Physics and Astronomy

2013 University of Greenwich, London
Minor in Humanities

Additional courses and certificates

2022 Scientific Storytelling
One day course by Marloes ten Kate and David Redeker.

2021 The art of scientific writing
NWO-I course, provided by Artesc

2021 Machine Learning using Python: Theory and Applications
Winter school at TU Berlin

2020 Basiscursus stralingsbescherming (Radiation Safety)
Erasmus MC, followed subjects: e-module, introduction and Röntgen (X-rays).

2020 Presenting Science
NWO-I course, provided by Artesc

2019 Taking charge of your PhD project
NWO-I course, provided by ElroyCOM

2019 Reproducibility of software
CWI course, provided by Writing better code

Committees and other activities

2022 Research workshop ‘Computational methods for Cultural Heritage’
An in-house research workshop in the Scientific Department of the British Museum, funded by the LMS and supported by the British Museum. Organised by: Francien Bossema, Dan O’Flynn, Joanne Dyer, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Erma Hermens and Dan Pett.

2021-2022 European Women in Mathematics - Netherlands (EWM-NL) board member
See EWM-NL website.

2016-2017 VU University Choir
Chair of the board

2014-2015 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Student member of the Programme Committee for the Bachelor programme of Mathematics

2014 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Member of the ‘exploration’ committee, advising Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam on the possible merging of the Mathematics bachelor studies of the two universities.