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Francien Bossema

PhD candidate at CWI and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.

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PhD thesis

2024 Tailoring X-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research

Scientific articles

2024 Bossema, F.G., Palenstijn, W.J., Heginbotham, A., Corona, M., Van Leeuwen, T., Van Liere, R., Dorscheid, J., O’Flynn, D., Dyer, J., Hermens, E., Batenburg, K.J. Enabling 3D CT-scanning of cultural heritage objects using only in-house 2D X-ray equipment in museums. Nature Communications 15, 3939 (2024)

2023 F.G. Bossema, P.J.C. Van Laar, K. Meechan, D. O’Flynn, J. Dyer, T. Van Leeuwen, S. Meijer, E. Hermens, and K.J. Batenburg. “Inside out: Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of multi-material museum objects”. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 31 (2023), e00296

2023 M. Domínguez-Delmás, P. van Duin, J. Dorscheid, F.G. Bossema, K. Joost Batenburg, and R. van Langh. “Unravelling a 17th-century prison escape: The quest to identify the original Hugo Grotius bookchest”, In Working Towards a Sustainable Past. ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference Preprints, Valencia, 18–22 September 2023, ed. J. Bridgland. Paris: International Council of Museums.

2023 Maximilian B. Kiss, Francien G. Bossema, Paul J. C. van Laar, Suzan Meijer, Felix Lucka, Tristan van Leeuwen & K. Joost Batenburg, “Beam filtration for object-tailored X-ray CT of multi-material cultural heritage objects”, Heritage Science 11, 130 (2023)

2022 Francien Bossema, Charlotte Zwetsloot and Ionica Smeets, “Math in the City: Designing a Math Trail for High School Students” in Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication, Edited By: Anna Maria Hartkopf and Erin Henning.

2022 J. Dorscheid, F.G. Bossema, P. van Duin, S.B. Coban, R. van Liere, K.J. Batenburg, G.P. Di Stefano, “Looking under the skin – multi-scale CT scanning of a peculiarly constructed cornett in the Rijksmuseum”, Heritage Science 10, 161 (2022)

2021 Marta Domínguez-Delmás, Francien G. Bossema, Jan Dorscheid, Sophia Bethany Coban, Moorea Hall-Aquitania, K. Joost Batenburg, Erma Hermens, “X-ray computed tomography for non-invasive dendrochronology reveals a concealed double panelling on a painting from Rubens’ studio”, PLOS ONE, (27 augustus 2021)

2021 Francien G. Bossema, Marta Domínguez-Delmás, Willem Jan Palenstijn, Alexander Kostenko, Jan Dorscheid, Sophia Bethany Coban, Erma Hermens, K. Joost Batenburg, “A novel method for dendrochronology of large historical wooden objects using line trajectory X-ray tomography”, Scientific Reports 11, 11024, 2021

2021 Marta Domínguez-Delmás, Francien G. Bossema, Bieke van der Mark, Alexander Kostenko, Sophia Bethany Coban, Sjoerd van Daalen, Paul van Duin, K. Joost Batenburg, “Dating and provenancing the Woman with lantern sculpture – A contribution towards attribution of Netherlandish art”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2021

2021 Francien G.Bossema, Sophia Bethany Coban, Alexander Kostenko, Paul van Duin, Jan Dorscheid, Isabelle Garachon, Erma Hermens, Robert van Liere, K. Joost Batenburg, “Integrating expert feedback on the spot in a time-efficient explorative CT scanning workflow for cultural heritage objects”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 49, p38-47, 2021

2019 F.G. Bossema, P. Burger, L. Bratton, A. Challenger, R.C. Adams, P. Sumner, J. Schat, M.E. Numans, I. Smeets, “Expert quotes and exaggeration in health news: A retrospective quantitative content analysis”, Wellcome Open Res. (2019).

2018 J. Schat, F.G. Bossema, M.E. Numans, I. Smeets, P. Burger, “Overdreven gezondheidsnieuws: Relatie tussen overdrijving in academische persberichten en in nieuwsmedia”, Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. (2018).

2018 F. Bossema, J. Retrê, S. Pereira, P. Russo, “Your night out under the stars: Reaching beyond native audiences”, CAP journal (2018).


2023 Code for 3D tomography using only basic X-ray equipment and metal markers

2023 IntACT plugin for Blender


2023 Radiographic data of ‘Python killing a Gnu’ by Antoine-Louis Barye, The J. Paul Getty Museum collection

2023 Radiographic data of a wooden block with metal markers at the Rijksmuseum X-ray facility

2023 Radiographic data of a wooden block with metal markers at the J. Paul Getty Museum X-ray facility

2023 Radiographic data of a wooden block with metal markers at the British Museum X-ray facility

2023 Radiographic data of a wooden block with metal markers at the FleX-ray laboratory (high resolution)

2023 CT reconstruction and structured light scan of a small wooden block

2021 A line trajectory X-ray tomography dataset of the Hugo de Groot bookchest, see Zenodo.

2021 A line trajectory X-ray tomography dataset of a wooden plank, Zenodo.

2021 Three line trajectory X-ray tomography datasets of a small wooden block, Zenodo.

2021 A CT dataset of a small wooden block, Zenodo.

2020 A fifteen-tile tomographic micro-CT dataset of a panel painting “Cadmus sowing dragon’s teeth”, see Zenodo.

2019 A five-tile tomographic micro-CT dataset of the oak sculpture Holy woman with lantern, see Zenodo.

2019 Three tomographic CT datasets of a woven fabric, see Zenodo.

Journal articles

2017 Click here for the articles written in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant.

2017 Met bacteriën naar Mars, Ad Valvas, nr. 15 2017, pp. 10-13,


2020 Open letter Europen Women in Mathematics Society on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on untenured and female mathematicians

2016 Math trail Leiden

2011 Profielwerkstuk Vossius Gymnasium ‘Vrouwen in de Wiskunde’ (high school last year paper, in Dutch)