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Francien Bossema

PhD in X-ray tomography for cultural heritage research

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2024 30-10-2024Unravelling art objects using X-ray CT (invited keynote presentation), Science and Art X Science and technology applied to Heritage conservation, Madrid 29-31st of October 2024

10-10-2024 Using in-house 2D X-ray equipment to make 3D CT scans of cultural heritage objects in museums, Nicas colloquium

27-06-2024 Unravelling Art: Using X-ray CT Scans to Look Inside Art Objects, SAILS symposium ‘Heritage; from physical to digital’, Leiden, The Netherlands

04-06-2024 Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of multi-material museum objects, InArt conference, Oslo, Norway

31-05-2024 Workshop Visualising the exterior and interior of art objects in 3D, 2+3D Photography conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

23-05-2024 Layman’s talk Tailoring X-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research. Talk (in Dutch) for a general audience of family, friends and colleagues, prior to PhD defense. Hosted by Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, The Netherlands

15-02-2024 Visualising the exterior and interior of art objects through combining CT scans and surface scans, ICOM-CC recycle lectures, organised by De Alumnikring Conservering en Restauratie van de UvA en Restauratoren Nederland, Utrecht (The Netherlands)

18-09-2023 Visualising the exterior and interior of art objects through combining CT scans and surface scans (poster)
ICOM-CC 20th Triennial Conference, Valencia, Spain

01-08-2023 PhD research in the Rijksmuseum
Talking Maths in Public conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom

08-05-2023 Fusing 3D imaging modalities for the internal and external investigation of museum objects
Technart Conference Lisbon

06-12-2022 NICAS & CWI
Presentation as part of the visit to NICAS of Dutch Minister Dijkgraaf and Secretary of State Uslu of OCW (Education, Culture, Science)

30-11-2022 Uncovering art: investigating the interior of art objects using Computed tomography (CT)
ICON, The Institute of Conservation, United Kingdom, Online Seminar

03-11-2022 Tailoring 3D X-ray imaging for Cultural Heritage research
Internal presentation for the British Museum Scientific Research Department

21-10-2022 Tailoring 3D X-ray imaging for Cultural Heritage research
Invited lecture in the Cambridge Image Analysis seminar, led by Prof. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, at DAMTP, Cambridge University

29-09-2022 Tailoring 3D X-ray imaging for Cultural Heritage research
Research workshop ‘Computational Methods for Cultural Heritage’ at the British Museum. Organisation and presentation

29-06-2022 Applications and advances in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) for dendrochronology
Invited talk in symposium ‘Symposium 7. Historical Timbers and Wooden Artifacts as Archives: New Glimpses On Trees, Ecology, and People’, Conference Ameridendro, Montreal. Best Presentation Award

27-04-2022 Computed Tomography for cultural heritage: Tailoring X-ray imaging techniques for dendrochronology of large wooden objects
Poster presentation at Computational approaches for technical imaging in cultural heritage (7th IP4AI meeting), virtual conference, National Gallery London

21-04-2022 Tailoring X-ray imaging techniques for dendrochronology of large wooden objects
Conference From Forests to Heritage, Amsterdam

16-03-2022 WOODprints, secrets in historic wood
Wageningen Science Café, toghether with Marta Domínguez-Delmás

16-02-2022 Tailoring X-ray imaging techniques for dendrochronology of large wooden objects
Online talk at the ‘University of Arizona LTRR Tree-Ring Talk

09-12-2021 NICAS colloquium presentation, Tailoring X-ray Imaging Techniques to date the Hugo de Groot chest
Presentation NICAS

02-09-2021 Wood for Goods and Impact4Art: Advancing CT for non-invasive dendrochronology
Presentation with Marta Domínguez-Delmás at Ghent University, department of dendrochronology

25-06-2021 Tailoring X-ray imaging techniques for dendrochronology of large wooden objects
Online presentation at the AI&Arts webinar of the Turing Institute, Cambridge Presentation AI&Arts

27-04-2021 Science communication in an interdisciplinary research project: the interplay between scientists, art historians, conservators and the general public
PCST 2020+1 Aberdeen virtual conference

25-11-2020 Computational Imaging: Het FleX-ray Lab en project highlights
Presentation at the online introductory visit of new NWO-I directors Miriam Luizink and Jan van der Boon to CWI

14-07-2020 Line trajectory X-ray tomography for dendrochronology of large wooden objects
SIAM Imaging Sciene Conference, virtual conference originally to have taken place in Toronto, Canada. Invited presentation in minisymposium ‘Cultural heritage imaging science’

12-02-2020 Insight in Wood: 3D CT imaging for dating wooden objects in the Impact4Art project
Technical Art History symposium ‘New perpectives and more dimensions’, Amsterdam

12-07-2019 From radiography to CT: Algebraic methods for CT calibration from a series of projections
Applied Inverse Problems Conference, Grenoble

09-05-2019 CT for Art: A flexible scanning approach for cultural heritage objects
Technart conference, Brugge

12-04-2019 Overdrijving van Medisch nieuws in de media
Stichting Cursussen Wetenschapscorrespondentie symposium, keynote lecture \

11-01-2019 Presentation at the DAMTP seminar of Prof. dr. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb in Cambridge

16-10-2018 The FleX-ray lab: Looking through objects
Keynote presentation at Symposium Rediscovered at Leiden university library